Sunday, November 05, 2006

Page - Lake Powell Balloon Fesitval day 2

What a fun day! I got up (with combed hair this time!) and got some great pics of the balloons. There were a lot more of them and they all seem to crawl right up Elm Street! I also got to go to the Street Fair this year and to the Balloon Glow last night. I was absolutely exhausted when I got home, but, boy, did I have a TERRIFIC time!

This is the "ship" my niece goes up with every year, and last night I got to meet her pilot, Doug. He was very fun, and I can see why S. likes to fly with him so much. Thanks to the Ranch House Grille in Page (hugs Mary Jane and Phil!) for bringing Doug and his crew every year!

There were loads more, and I am putting them on my Flickr page at

Happy Flying!
Auntie Jane

Friday, November 03, 2006

2006 Page - Lake Powell Balloon Festival

Today is the first day of the Page - Lake Powell Balloon Festival 2006. I had forgotten about it when I went to bed last night, but was awakened this morning by that unmistakable sound of the fires being "stoked".
I grabbed my camera to run outside, then went back to put decent clothes on, and went out, hair every which way but normal, and took some pics. Marty, my dog, kept freaking out, to the point that when the meter man came by later, Marty was too afraid to go outside to play with him like he usually does.
The day could not have been nicer - very few stringy clouds, a blue, blue sky, and absolutely no wind. Several of the balloons landed on the streets, which makes me wonder if the winds were too calm (I know nothing about ballooning, so this may just be my ignorance flaring!). It was fun to watch one just down the street land and break down, roll up and be done for the day.

One chase crew truck drove by slowly, and I asked the crew where they were landing. The driver said "Heck if I know" and the passenger said "North Dakota". One balloonist who spent an hour hovering over my house asked if she could land on my house. I told her she could but she would have to buy us a new roof in exchange for breakfast.
I heard two balloonists talking back and forth. Again, being ignorant of all things ballooning, I never considered they would talk (or somewhat yell) back and forth.
I can't wait for tomorrow. I will try to set my alarm and drive over to the rim to watch them take off, and tomorrow night is the "Balloon Glow" on our main street, Lake Powell Boulevard, where a day-long Street Fair is being held.
Up, up and away!

Auntie Jane