Monday, September 27, 2004

in the beginning...

This is great. I really haven't much to say.
Tomorrow I am having my gall bladder removed. I know it was put into my body for a reason, but according to my surgeon, the gall bladder's only function is to store the liver's bile until I eat something containing fats. So...if I don't have a gall bladder, does that mean I will lose weight? Or will I gain weight? I know that this whole weight loss and gain thing is a conspiracy by the government, for population control. Soon, only thin and athletic people will be left and Heinlein's world of Starship Troopers will be realized. So if this gall bladder thing works out like I hope, I will be one of the survivors? The pessimist in me says no...
So...I hope you aren't too bored. I did warn you.

*Courage is the power to let go of the familiar*

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